مغامرات طم طم, الجزء الثاني

ماما في الأردن صارلها أسبوع و لسّا باقي كمان أسبوع, و متل كل مرّة بتسافر فيها تبدأ مغامرات طم طم في المطبخ بس المرة هاي ما بعرف ليه, لهلأ ما خبصت ولا مرّة حتي الرز عم بستوي معي هههههه :) معقول اللعنة اللي كانت نازلة عليّ في الطبخ راحت؟؟؟ سؤال مهم كتيير و بدو تفكير عميق, عملت […]

Filled Under: Personal

Thank you all … Thank you so much

I would like to thank all of you sincerely for sharing our sorrow. I deeply appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness, and it will always be remembered. My family and I deeply appreciate your kind expression of sympathy in our great loss, we find healing in god’s tender and embrace in knowing that others remembered and […]

Filled Under: Personal

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ ولا حول ولا قوه الا بالله العلي العظيم     بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ( يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَى رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي )   رحمـــــــك الله وأســـكنك فسيـــح جنـــــــــاته    

Filled Under: Personal

We are on fire!

 This is bad, really bad, I couldn’t sleep all night, I was waking up every hour to stay up another hour, I’ve never seen weather worse than this in my entire life. California is on fire, more than 27 huge fires, we have 2 close ones, I can’t see the flame, and I didn’t feel […]

Filled Under: Personal

Come Let Me Love You..

Let me hold you under blue skies, and chase away the clouds. Let me take your hand in mine, and together plot our course. Let me kiss your furrowed brow, and smooth your cares away. Let me laugh with you each morning, and love with you at evening. Let me take the evil of doubt, […]

Filled Under: Peoms

Women when they throw stuff!

Filled Under: Comics

So is it in me or am I faking it??

Really!!! am I calm person or am I just faking it?? I mean whenever people argue I keep looking at them how easy for them to lose their temper and start saying stuff that really hurts the person in front of them, of course once they do that, it takes both parties forever to get […]

Filled Under: Personal

اصاله ورامي صبري تاراتاتا

 I always loved this song, I don’t know why but this guy reminds me of Amr Diab a lot… i guess he is trying too hard to look like him too… Add tot hat that I LOVE Asalah’s voice… Any way… enjoy this piece my friends :) [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=TdMlWbHu8jM]

Filled Under: Music

A matter of time before it breaks

He finally said it…, he finally got the courage to tell her what he never imagined he might say…, but he did say it… He told her the hardest thing ever to be said, he gave her the choice of staying or leaving…, he gave up…just like she did… He started to feel like he […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Eid, No Eid,.. Eid, No Eid.. YEH!!!

 So Eid is Friday, No it’s Saturday, la2 la2 Friday, NOOOOOOO ya jama3a Saturday.. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! This was the issue for the whole day, we called several Islamic centers, and each one of them says different thing, ENNO O BA3DEAN!!! I hate Eid in this country, each year we have the same problem, enno tayeb if […]

Filled Under: General