حلم وجودي

هل أنا في حلم يكاد ينسيني الحقيقة؟ هل أنا في دنيا غير دنياي اللتي أحياها؟ أسئلة كثيرة… سعادة كبيرة ما حلمت بها في يوم من الأيام.. هل حقيقة أنا عرفتك و كلمتك و ضحكنا معاً؟ أكاد لا أصدق, و يكاد العالم كله لا يسع سعادتي و نشوتي.. فنظراتك بالنسبة لي فيض صلاة, و كلماتك تقديس […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Second Trust….

The time we share is special to me, a bringing back to love. Your laughter still warms my soul, your smile still echoes from my own. Yet I can not say your chance will come. Questions and doubts still remain. My hurt remembered far too strong. The tears still all too real. Fear beats strong […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

My long weekend is OVER!!! Basem Fghali imitating Asalah :)

Too bad, the long weekend is over, it was a nice one, on Saturday I celebrated my birthday with my friends, I spent Sunday shopping for makeup and candles “wich is more than addictive for me”, I got myself bunch of flavored lip glosses, and a candles still makes me every time a light it.Today I decided […]

Filled Under: Personal

Maioush Golden Birthday

Yeah well… :)  Everybody I know greeted me for my birthday already :) … this was a great one, my golden because today is May.26 and I just turned 26 :) , this happens only once in your life time.. on the 26th I turned 26 .. heheheh cool..  it all started last night at […]

Filled Under: Personal

لأني أعشق العذاب

اي صفحة تستوعبها مخيلة الزمن لكيّ تحكي عن رمل مرصود بين طرقات صعبة, أو قليل من حفنات الذهب الممتلئة في عيني و تبرق مع الخداع, و تعذب السراب, و تحتضر أمام كل ما أريده. أي صفحة من العمر تشرق لكيّ تكون شيئاَ آخر, أراها أملاَ يتصاعد و يندمج مع أغلى كلمة… يا أنت… يا كل […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Tentative Steps..

Foolish imaginations. Tumultuous thoughts. Confusion reigns. Two souls connect, but to what end? What is expected? Drawn to each other, yet not. What is this I feel? Flirtatious moment, or appreciation of heart, mind and values? A rush of jealousy. A momentary pang. Laughter from another source. I watch, my mind racing forward. What am […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Dear Women;

When God created heaven and earth, he spoke them into being. When he created man, he formed him, and breathed life into his nostrils.But you, woman, he fashioned after he breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. He allowed a deep sleep to come over him so he could […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Rated R Break Report…

Excuse my language in this post my friends.. My apologies to everyone…Everybody.. Meet your new friend Maioush… :D And so I’m back, I’m still so damn disappointed (BIG TIME), still so freakin upset about everything happened, but you know what, running away from it is not the answer, avoiding everybody is not the answer, and […]

Filled Under: Personal


Patient Name: Maioush Medication Name: Break (Time off) Direction: Take 1 Break until symptoms are gone as needed for stress. Simply… I need a break, I need to take some time off from every thing around, I need to clear my mind from so many things, I’ll miss everybody, I’ll miss checking my blog, and […]

Filled Under: Personal

Happy Mother’s & Mother’s TO BE day to you Ladies…

So today May 13th will be Mother’s day in United States … and since Friday was the last working day before that occasion.. the Medical department had a huge party to celebrate the occasion :D That was one cool party.. the very first time to enjoy since I started working where I work :) , and although I’m […]

Filled Under: Personal