Brain full. Abort, retry, fail?

I read somewhere that even the most highly effective people can only remember 9 things at one time. Any more than that, and something’s got to give. I also read somewhere that the definition of madness is repeating the same actions and expecting a different result. I’ve been thinking about these two things a lot […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Update on my surgery

Everybody has been trying to send me comments on my last post which is really sweet of all of u guys.I’m still in pain, I hate being in bed, its sooooooooooooooooooooo boring, I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I can’t do any thing, I’m not good of being sick. I’m suppose to see the doctor […]

Filled Under: Personal


•Mai.. Mai.. Wakeup, you are in the hospital, its 2:30pm and this is the recovery room, your surgery went fine and every thing will be ok. •I’m cold, and my mom (back to sleep) •Mai, you have to stay awake for at least 20 minutes, try to open you eyes, I will bring u a […]

Filled Under: Personal

ليلى و الذئب بالكركي

كانت ليلى بتتبرطع مع الغنم في الوطاة ورا الدار لمّا سمعت أمها في الحوش بتنادي عليها: “ليلاااا! تعي جاي!” أجت ليلى وقالت ليها: “ويش أدّك يمّا؟”  قالت أمها: “خذي هاللّبنات وديهن لجدّتكي تمرسهن عشان ودنا نطبخ منسف بكرى”  ردّت ليلى: “حاظر يمّا”.  أخذت ليلى اللّبنات بالسّلة وبدت تمشي وهيّه تهيجن, ومافي شوي ولاّ ليلى بتسمع […]

Filled Under: Fun

What Can I Send You??

What can I send you   to show you I care?  What could I give you to let you  know how very special you are to me?   I could send you a rainbow ,  to shine as a bright promise  after the storm.   I could send you the sunshine ,  to chase away any dark […]

Filled Under: Peoms

Make The Choice To Be Happy

None of us can control all the elements in our lives.  Sometimes destiny enjoys a laugh at our expense. When that happens, we must choose our path.  We can succumb to fate’s small tease or we can choose to be happy.  Happiness can be found in many places.  It can be seen in the beauty of […]

Filled Under: Peoms

The Meaning of Life 1

(or, What’s it all about?)  Let’s step back a moment… Why do you want to know the meaning of life? Often people ask this question when they really want the answer to some other question. I’m going to write about my life thoughts in episodes, I’ve been reading this book to advice people who ask these questions […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

5 things you don’t know about me:

I’ve been tagged for the first time since I joined Qwaider Planet by Fatoom  NaturalBlu for 5 things you don’t know about me, well.. here you go 1. I HATE the smell of cigarettes although I LOVE the smell of hookah and I love to smoke it. 2. I speed up to 110mph every morning on my way to […]

Filled Under: Tags

A Peaceful World

Watching the clouds float in the blue sky above…  Listening to the sweet tones of a song bird…  Feeling the sun’s warmth bathing your face…  Smelling the fragrance of a newly opened blossom…  Gazing at the river’s lazy meandering…  I hope today gives you small pocketsof peace to enjoy.   The beauty of nature lends an […]

Filled Under: Peoms

Letter to a friend…

I’ve been negligent in writing, been tired of being tired… Je suis malade. You ask what the air tastes like on the other side? The same, but perhaps somewhat headier the higher you climb. Only your perception changes… how could it not? You look back through the blackened bars at whence you came, seeing only […]

Filled Under: Thoughts