اوراق متفرقه

أوراق متفرقة من دفتر ذكرياتي, ذكريات مضت ,وأحلام في الخيال ,وواقع معاش… أوراق*** حين أضع أول بصمة على دفاتر ذكرياتي وأرسم الحنين على جبهة صفحاتي, أعيش الماضي لأرى فيه الحاضر والمستقبل. هنا أقف أنا عند نقطة البداية وتقف أنت خلف المجهول لتعلن عن أول ساعة لقاء جمعتنا, لأراك شوقا وفيضا ودمعة وتراني حبا وأملا وشمعة […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

I’m proud of who I am…

One of the things that bring me joy and happiness the most is meeting an Arab person with great achievements in United States.Everybody around me knows how much I get excited when I work or meet Arab people, and yesterday I met one great person :) Dr. Sammy Saab (Sa3b) is a 34 years old […]

Filled Under: Personal

بابا هاد كوسا مش خيار!!!

بما إني من مبارح ماشية بدون أي أوراق  أو رخصة، من ساعة ما ضيعت محفظتي (جزداني) مبارح، و كان عندي شغل لازم أخلصه مشان الرخصة (بدل فاقد)  … “قصة طويلة جدا”، بابا قرر إنو يروح يشتري أغراض البيت  اليوم -بابا: شو بدك أجيبلك وأنا مروح؟ -أنا: لا لا تغلب حالك، أنا بجيب مع و أنا […]

Filled Under: Personal

Memories and Pathways…

Warm memories flood my mind, bringing a smile and a soft sigh. Happy times, bright thoughts of cherished moments in time. Chance meeting? Perhaps. Or Destiny’s call. Does it really matter where or why? Two lives have touched. Two souls entwined. Two spirits now glide upwards together. Our beings now linked, and forged with each […]

Filled Under: Peoms, Thoughts

وبعدييييين… الرز مش راضي يستوي

عذرا منكم يا جماعة هادي أول مرة بكتب فيها بالعربي و طلعت عيني و أنا بدور على الأحرف بس جد هاد ما بزبط ينكتب إلا هيك يعني عن جد أنا مش فاهمه… كله رز!!! شو الإختراع فيه ؟ إنقعي رز، شوية زيت بالطنجرة، حطي الرز، إغمري مي ( بس بلاش مي)، و لما يغلي غطيه، […]

Filled Under: Personal

Who did I Miss?

Who did I miss as I traveled my path? What hand did my eyes not see? What smile sprang to lips that my eyes ignored in my preoccupation with “me”? My view was so narrow, my goals so dim I did not look around To see others that touched my life. What might I have […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Cry For The Children…

Cry for the children…Those lost souls that see no where to turn.Who’s voices fill with the rage only deep pain can give birth to. Cry for the children…Those little ones who see no love about them.Who hear no laughter in their world to balance the confusion inside. Cry for the children…Those who can not see […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

If I Could Give My Mom the World

If I could give my mom the world Or anything she wanted, I’d give her my own heart and soul And leave my own heart haunted. I’d take upon myself her life With all its strife and pain, And let her ease into some space Where she could live again. The pain for me would […]

Filled Under: Peoms

Mom.. Today is the Day

When I was little and I cried You lovingly held me, and let the last tear fall, When I would scrape my knee You’d bandage it up and say “be careful”. When my birthday was horrible, you smiled And promised the next would be perfect. When I would lose my temper, You had a way […]

Filled Under: Peoms

Code Adam…

Attention all costumers and employees, we have a Code Adam, 3 years old girl, wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and pink shoes, brown eyes, and her name is Yara… YES… WE LOST YARA!!!!! That would be the worst nightmare any parent can go through ever in their lives, and our nightmare came true today […]

Filled Under: Personal