Try all day sickness, 24 hours sickness, not able to eat a thing sickness, waking up in the middle of the night to throw up sickness, almost sleep in the bathroom sickness, not able to work sickness….. Whatever you want.

 I was really hoping for an easy pregnancy, this is anything but easy, I found out that my waist is about to disappear, almost there, to be honest I don’t give a shit on how I look these days, I just want to be able to  function normally, eat ya Allah, I miss eating, I miss seeing a plate of tabeekh, what’s even more crazy is that just by mentioning food I feel like throwing up, but I’m hungry at the same time!!!!!!!!!! DOES THAT MAKE SENSE????

Everybody keeps on saying that all this will go away after the third month is over, which means 4 more weeks, we’ll seeeeeeeeeee!!

Beddi MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, akh 3ala tanjaret dawali o koosa halla2!!! :(

Filled Under: Thoughts

Bambeeno, what are you doing to me?

As you all know from Samer’s blog I’m pregnant, I was extremely happy the first 4 weeks as I felt nothing, I really thought that I’m gonna have the easiest pregnancy ever, but as I entered my 5th week, things has been going upside down, it started with the constant need for sleep,  days later the dizziness and low blood pressure, burping (excuse me) to the point where Samer started calling the baby “Burpy” :(


And this morning as I entered my 6th week, my morning sickness started with it, no matter what I smell I feel like throwing up (disgusting I know).

I was really hoping for an easy pregnancy, thank god a million times that Samer is very understanding and patient, he is trying his best to let me rest, assuring me that everything will be alright soon “allah yesma3 mennak ya joozi”.

I wish I was closer to mama, at least she would’ve cooked for us all kinds of yummy foods, she keeps on telling me every time I talk to her ” ya reatek 3endi. Kont taba5telek kol sho zaki, and made sure that samer is ok too”  yabayeeeeeeeeeeee ya emmi ma a7saneeeek.. beddi emmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :(

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Straight to my heart!


all food go to my stomach, but chocolate goes to my heart! it doesn’t make me fat, it just makes me happy :)

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Honour Killings – Jordan.. SHOCKING!!

I have one thing to say about this… SHOCKING, I couldn’t believe it, I don’t know what to say!! is this really true??

Embedding disabled by request, below is the link to the video I’m talking about, please watch it till the end!!

Watch **Honour Killings – Jordan**

Filled Under: Thoughts

I MISS those days.. I really do!!

When people used to be normal, they are who they are, no hiding behind other names, lives , or identities…

When was the normal way to know someone when you meet them somewhere, and know their real names, when lies weren’t as huge as they are now, you might lie about who you are maybe for a little while and lie to the people you REALLY don’t care about, and chances are, you will never meet them again.

Now, lies became something they actually practice every single day of their life, and I’m surprised if I find out later that it’s the biggest part of their life, everything else doesn’t matter, do you know he saying “kazab el kezbeh o sada2ha”?? they are willing to burn everything in their real life to life their lie, with people they don’t even know who that person is.

I miss the days when people used to me simpler, if I like you. I’ll talk to you, if not; you are out of my life.

Now, people act as if they adore you, but they truly hat everything about you, and call it “wajebat ejtem3eyeh”

LOL! Allah yer7am!!!

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Worst Best Man EVER!!!!!!

OMG if that was me, I would’ve killed that guy!!!

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Blogging in plain English

It really can’t be simpler than that :)

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What’s Right With Your Life?



The typical nature of all personal development posts is to define a problem, then propose a solution.

I’m not going to do that here.

We spend a lot of times trying to improve things in our lives. We want better, more, faster, bigger, cooler, and on and on. So is there a time when more is not the answer? Is there a time when solving something wrong with your life is detrimental, because you could be spending that time enjoying all the right things about it?

I could say something really obvious like, be content with what you have, or accept yourself for who you are.

I’m not going to do that here.

Instead I want to ask you:

Do you think you could bypass a lot of struggle trying to fix all the things supposedly wrong with your life, and instead learn how to appreciate the things that are right with it?

So let me ask you: What’s right with your life?

Filled Under: Thoughts

Friday night facelift

It’s been a while that I really wanted to change my theme, today Husbandy decided to move my blog in able to put my own theme, I REALLY REALLY REALLY LVED this one, I know it’s been almost 9 moths, I have another theme that I really like too, but I really want to try this one, so please please please no comments about us being mushy or whatever, I want to enjoy it for a little while :)

Filled Under: Thoughts

My new addiction song :)

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