Who did I Miss?

Who did I miss as I traveled my path? What hand did my eyes not see? What smile sprang to lips that my eyes ignored in my preoccupation with “me”? My view was so narrow, my goals so dim I did not look around To see others that touched my life. What might I have […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Cry For The Children…

Cry for the children…Those lost souls that see no where to turn.Who’s voices fill with the rage only deep pain can give birth to. Cry for the children…Those little ones who see no love about them.Who hear no laughter in their world to balance the confusion inside. Cry for the children…Those who can not see […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


Have you ever thought about the little things around you that makes you happy? Or even naturally high? :D  This is my list for the thing that makes me naturally hight…  :D 1.       Being in love. 2.       Laughing so hard your face hurts. 3.       A hot shower. 4.       No queues at the […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

I’m sorry because I’m being me

I’m sorry because I’m not as good as you deserve, I’m sorry because I could be a reason for your tears , sorry because I’m not a reason for your happiness.. and because you can find excuse while I can’t because you are always there while I’m not although I want to be…. and because […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Time To Return…

His gentle presence touched her life some time ago. His smile warmed the dark recesses of her heart. She watched him move, cloistered behind her own grief and pain, and yearned to know him better. They touched each other’s lives but briefly. Each moving quickly in his own direction. The time had passed, she thought, […]

Filled Under: Peoms, Thoughts

Did You Ever Love Her?

Was there a part of her that you once embraced?Was there ever a time when your heart reached out to hers and held tightly to it? Was there never real sentiment there? Was it only an illusion cast by your pain and insecurities? Was there ever a time when the thought of you together made […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

You know what’s your problem? You’re too simple…

That was the last sentence between the 2 of them, and that’s when she got lost between words, she didn’t know what to respond any more, her eyes were full of tears since the beginning of the conversation, is she really being blamed and being mad at because she is too simple and innocent? “People […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

It’s a full moon again….

Tonight is a full moon night :) , I don’t know what’s with me and full moon, it has this magical effect on my mood, even when I’m really down, having a walk on the full moon light would make a huge change on my mood. For some reason, all the people who knows me […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Strong Women…

Strong women are those that know the road ahead will be strewn with obstacles, but they choose to walk it because it’s the right one. Strong women are those that make mistakes, admit to them, learn from that failure and then use that knowledge. Strong women hurt, but they still extend their hearts and hands, […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

To love or to be loved…

Are you scared of giving? Or are you willing to give love? And if you are the second kind, do you love someone to make that person happy or to make yourself happy? Do you prefer to love or do you prefer to be loved? Is love selfish after all? Or are we doing it […]

Filled Under: Thoughts