If Men Got Pregnant…

Maternity leave would last two years….with full pay. There would be a cure for stretch marks. Natural childbirth would become obsolete. Morning sickness would rank as the nation’s #1 health problem. All methods of birth control would be 100% effective. Children would be kept in the hospital until toilet trained. Men would be eager to […]

Filled Under: Fun


People talk on the phone while PEEING!!!!  As my visits to the bathroom has tripled these day ( o lessa el Khair la oddam) I’ve noticed some weird people keeps on walking to bathroom and keep on talking while peeing, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO… can ‘t you just hang up the freaking phone for few moments till you’re […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


Maybe I’m just really bad at taking criticism? I don’t know, another thing that annoys me are feminists. They obviously don’t understand that the whole reason why this movement started was because women weren’t treated EQUALLY. This does not translate to women being treated BETTER. Realistically, if this whole equality of the sexes should occur, […]

Filled Under: Thoughts