Time To Return…

His gentle presence touched her life some time ago. His smile warmed the dark recesses of her heart. She watched him move, cloistered behind her own grief and pain, and yearned to know him better. They touched each other’s lives but briefly. Each moving quickly in his own direction. The time had passed, she thought, […]

Filled Under: Peoms, Thoughts

Arnold Schwarzenegger… This is NOT Hollywood!!!

Today I’m touching a matter I’ve never thought I would talk about in my whole life… United states of America has a very serious problem with over crowded prisons, most prisons was built very long time ago to fit 1000 inmates or so, while the truth is they actually 8000 inmates in those prisons. I […]

Filled Under: General

Did You Ever Love Her?

Was there a part of her that you once embraced?Was there ever a time when your heart reached out to hers and held tightly to it? Was there never real sentiment there? Was it only an illusion cast by your pain and insecurities? Was there ever a time when the thought of you together made […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

You know what’s your problem? You’re too simple…

That was the last sentence between the 2 of them, and that’s when she got lost between words, she didn’t know what to respond any more, her eyes were full of tears since the beginning of the conversation, is she really being blamed and being mad at because she is too simple and innocent? “People […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Mashawi & Warbat..

I’m posting this from my uncles backyard, the weather is just wonderful, about 68º, we had a wonderful lunch (Mashawi and steaks), my dad requested a very old song for سيد درويش called ما تفوتنيش انا وحدي (and that should put you in a good mood of you like all kinds of music). we just […]

Filled Under: Personal

How sleepy can you get ??? :)

Everyone meet the 3 years old Ihab :D He is the youngest sun for my friends Inan and Wissam in Spain Inan was talking to me last night and told me that Ihab felt asleep while eating :D, I didn’t believe her.. I thought she meant he was so sleepy and she said it as […]

Filled Under: Fun

It’s a full moon again….

Tonight is a full moon night :) , I don’t know what’s with me and full moon, it has this magical effect on my mood, even when I’m really down, having a walk on the full moon light would make a huge change on my mood. For some reason, all the people who knows me […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

خدني على بلادي

I’ve never been a morning person, and I hate waking up early in the morning, I’ve always enjoyed staying up all night to do whatever I have to do, back in school days I used to study at night, my classes never started before 11:00am, that was my way of living for a long time. […]

Filled Under: Personal

I will never be good at this

I don’t like Tags, I really don’t know how to answer it, I did it just for Nido :) … so here we go… * After you die what’s going to happen to your e-mail? -Do they have internet in death world??? I guess not.. so I don’t really care. * Have you ever given […]

Filled Under: Tags