Growing Old Gracelessly

Over the last couple of years, I’ve noticed something very disturbing when I look in the mirror.No, it’s not my face – I’ve lived with that long enough that it ceases to disturb me now. It’s in that area though. Simply put – I’m going grey.Yes, that’s right. I have grey hairs. Or rather, I […]

Filled Under: Personal

Happy Thanksgiving

Today was a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long dayHi guys:I woke up today at 5:00Am to be at work at 7:00Am cuz my friend over central pharmacy decided to take the day off in the last minute and I had to leave my office and go to the pharmacy to cover for her since its holiday season and […]

Filled Under: Personal


This is the fourth sleepless night in a row, I barley get enough sleep although I’m trying so hard, I really want to sleep but no luck. I guess I have so much in my mind, work and the stress I deal with every single day, trying to figure out a way to have a long […]

Filled Under: Personal

[youtube=] قضت المحكمة العراقية امس بالاعدام شنقا ضد الرئيس العراقي السابق صدام حسين وبرزان التكريتي وعواد البندر الذي شغل قاضي محكمة الثورة أثناء حكم صدام بقضية الدجيل ، وقضت المحكمة بسجن طه ياسين رمضان والذي شغل منصب نائب الرئيس العراقي السابق ”بالسجن مدى الحياة لارتكابه القتل العمد كجريمة ضد الانسانية” ، وقررت المحكمة تبرئة محمد […]

Filled Under: News

ابو العصا

This post has been written by my friend Rania, she is a very talented girl and i would like all of you to read this post and enjoy it the same way I did, thank you Rania for letting me publish this post here, wish you all the best my dear ملايين النساء المثقفات واخريات اميات […]

Filled Under: Thoughts