Settling for less!!

Every day I discuss this matter with someone, I start to get it more and more, the fact that the dream girl for guys is the super model who can cook, great with kids, well educated, doesn’t spend his money, and love him forever more than the whole world.

Girls dream is a handsome guy, with a lot of money, who knows everything about women, open minded, romantic, blah blah blah.. and the list goes on and on and on …

Now let me see, both of these characters .. Hmmm how do I say that.. IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND!!!  So now what??  You start to settle for less.  ops…  did I say less??  I hope nobody is hurt by that, well even if you are, deal with it, that is a fact!! Yes less, you are less, I am less, I have no problem saying it, it’s not like I don’t have self confidence!! God only know how confident I am, I know I’m not perfect, BUT SO WHAT!!!

Back to the subject, The next question is, if you know for a fact that your partner has settled for less, how do you feel about that, when a woman in a bikini suit passes by your husband, and you can see it that the guy is going crazy, when you are watching a movie for George Clooney, and your wife has no idea what the movie is talking about, as long as Clooney is there, what would you do? Should we accept the fact that these people are way out of our league, and it’s ok for these things to happen? Or is it really when you love someone so much you look at him/her as the most beautiful/handsome person in the whole world? NAAAAAAAH whom am I kidding, there is no such a thing, that happens only in movies, and this here is real life.

Ok until now, I didn’t really find the answer I’m looking for, god I hate it when my brain thinks about a million thing at the same time, I’m arguing with my self here and still didn’t say what I’m actually trying to say.. EFT!!! I hate Gemini…  

22 Responses to “Settling for less!!”

  1. Qabbani Says:
  2. Jumana Says:
  3. Qwaider قويدر Says:
  4. globalorama Says:
  5. maioush Says:
  6. miss sea lover Says:
  7. Isam Says:
  8. hamede Says:
  9. afaf Says:
  10. bara2 Says:
  11. maioush Says:
  12. afaf Says:
  13. Luai Says:
  14. maioush Says:
  15. afaf Says:
  16. maioush Says:
  17. Abed Hamdan Says:
  18. Jumana Says:
  19. maioush Says:
  20. Isam Says:
  21. Mnoosh Says:
  22. Maioush Says:

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