Father’s Unspoken Love

My Dad is not an emotional guy. We can’t seem to actually get out the words “I love you”. Over the years at different times I have wanted to be one of those families that were free with their emotions. As I get older however, I realize that though we may not speak those words […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


Define verb state or describe the exact nature or scope of. give the meaning of (a word or phrase). mark out the limits or outline of. What defines you?

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Can A Woman Really Have it All?

Someone asked me this week if I thought we really can have “it all.” My immediate answer was “of course,” but after thinking it over I concluded that it depends on a lot of things. I think three main questions to ask are:  (1) Do you think you can have “it all?”  (2) Do you have […]

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Brain full. Abort, retry, fail?

I read somewhere that even the most highly effective people can only remember 9 things at one time. Any more than that, and something’s got to give. I also read somewhere that the definition of madness is repeating the same actions and expecting a different result. I’ve been thinking about these two things a lot […]

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The Meaning of Life 1

(or, What’s it all about?)  Let’s step back a moment… Why do you want to know the meaning of life? Often people ask this question when they really want the answer to some other question. I’m going to write about my life thoughts in episodes, I’ve been reading this book to advice people who ask these questions […]

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Letter to a friend…

I’ve been negligent in writing, been tired of being tired… Je suis malade. You ask what the air tastes like on the other side? The same, but perhaps somewhat headier the higher you climb. Only your perception changes… how could it not? You look back through the blackened bars at whence you came, seeing only […]

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Love & Marriage Myths

I think that many myths that surround marriage give couples unrealistic expectations. Disappointment is sure to come for people who are looking for the Cinderella-like happily-ever-after storybook marriage year after year. If you watch late night TV, enjoy classic movies, listen to love songs, or read romantic novels, then you may have an image of marriage […]

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حرية رأي ام إساءةالى المحجبات؟

سيدي صاحب التصريحات الرنانة و زير ثقافة مصر( بلد مسلم عربي تتواجد به  نسبة كبيرة من النساء المحجبات), لا ادري الى متى سنبقى نستمع الى وزراء (متأمركين) بافكارهم و بعيدين  بارائهم و افكارهم و ثقافتهم عنا و نعتبرها حرية رأي و الدستور يضمن له حرية الرأي بينما من يمس شخص رئيس عربي يحاكم بالخيانة العظمى […]

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ابو العصا

This post has been written by my friend Rania, she is a very talented girl and i would like all of you to read this post and enjoy it the same way I did, thank you Rania for letting me publish this post here, wish you all the best my dear ملايين النساء المثقفات واخريات اميات […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Be Happy Where You Are

Sadly, many of us continually postpone our happiness indefinitely. It’s not that we consciously set out to do so, but thet we keep convincing ourselves, “someday I’ll be happy” we’ll be happy when our bills are paid, when we get out of school, get our first job, a promotion. We convince ourselves that life will […]

Filled Under: Thoughts