لأني أعشق العذاب

اي صفحة تستوعبها مخيلة الزمن لكيّ تحكي عن رمل مرصود بين طرقات صعبة, أو قليل من حفنات الذهب الممتلئة في عيني و تبرق مع الخداع, و تعذب السراب, و تحتضر أمام كل ما أريده. أي صفحة من العمر تشرق لكيّ تكون شيئاَ آخر, أراها أملاَ يتصاعد و يندمج مع أغلى كلمة… يا أنت… يا كل […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Tentative Steps..

Foolish imaginations. Tumultuous thoughts. Confusion reigns. Two souls connect, but to what end? What is expected? Drawn to each other, yet not. What is this I feel? Flirtatious moment, or appreciation of heart, mind and values? A rush of jealousy. A momentary pang. Laughter from another source. I watch, my mind racing forward. What am […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Dear Women;

When God created heaven and earth, he spoke them into being. When he created man, he formed him, and breathed life into his nostrils.But you, woman, he fashioned after he breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. He allowed a deep sleep to come over him so he could […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

High Expectations…

You’ve spent so much time planning. Let yourself fall… Messing up…that’s what makes a person, that’s how we learn. You enjoy things the most when you don’t see it coming, when you don’t expect it.

Filled Under: Thoughts

Recipe For A Friendship….

I was known for making the worst recipes ever on the blogsphere .. but today I found something that I’m actually good at :) This is my recipe for Friendship: First, take an ounce of a smile, add two friendly eyes, blend in arms that hug well, and mix with a measure of supportive words. […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


Update THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE MOM, DAD, BROTHERS, UNCLE, EM YOUSEF/BILAL, AND THE CLOSE FRIENDS I HAVE AROUND ME!!!!!!! I’m not mad; I’m not upset, I’m not angry…. But why the hell people start acting like experts when it comes to relationships???Everyone has something to say, everyone has an advice to tell you “although you […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Behave at the gym… follow the etiquette!!!

In a perfect world everyone would use common sense and be naturally thoughtful of others 100% of the time but, unfortunately, we live in a real world… not a perfect one!Oh my. That’s what I was saying to myself at the gym the other day as I was waiting…and waiting…and waiting for the chest press […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


Last night I enjoyed watching the full moon (actually tonight is the 100% full moon, yesterday was 99%). The room was beautiful, I had candles everywhere in all colors, flowers on my night stand, my favorite music was playing in the background it was a mystical magical time, the full moon was shining down on me. I don’t […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


I don’t know why I always get fed up with this kind of people.I seldom, or I can say I never like to argue with others. But then, I don’t know why that whenever I have a conversation with those people, always end up in a frustration mood. Well, they never agree with others. What’s […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Coconut and Lime… New Recipe Blog …

I’ve been looking for recipes for a while now :D   ,there’s this recipe blog I found today (yes I look for recipes, I didn’t give up yet :) .. I don’t want the guys to starve) :D  , and I would like to share with all of you, I enjoyed it very much: Coconut and Lime. […]

Filled Under: Personal, Thoughts