What a guy wants.. what a guy needs!

A guy works 5o miles away from his house, decided to buy a car, he looks around to see what’s the best option for him to buy, he settles down for corolla since it’s affordable, known as the most fuel efficient car, and will last for a long time, so basically that’s what he needs. […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


“Every man loves two women; one is the creation of his imagination, and the other is not yet born.”  Khalil Gibran

Filled Under: Thoughts

It’s all YOUR fault!!!!…

It’s weird how people can easily blame others for their mistakes!!! To come right to your face and tell you that what happened to them was YOUR fault!!! I mean how can be blamed for something you don’t even know about? A friend of mine, knew this guys years ago, and things didn’t work out […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


I don’t think I’m the best one to discuss this matter, since I haven’t experienced it yet, but after seeing some “Angry” people, and others “lost” , I decided to go ahead and write about it and god help me to do this right. The issues that bloggers had been talking about lately really got me […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

How double faced are you?????????

I was thinking about this post for a while now, I was forcing myself not to write about this matter so I won’t get in trouble like I once did in previous post, but I don’t care about what other people think, enough is enough!!! I’ve been dealing with double faced people all my life, […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


OK, here goes … I know they say ‘size doesn’t matter’, but to me it does – enormously. As far as I’m concerned, the more inches, the sexier it becomes. Just looking at one can make me go weak at the knees – granted, that isn’t a major achievement, considering my lack of balance. The […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

No Moon Tonight…

I always look up to the sky and look for the moon when I’m out at night. While I was walking tonight, the sky was so clear; I looked up and could not find the moon. The sky was dark; I saw some stars but no moon… I don’t know how to say this; I’m […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


I was cleaning my closet last night, and while cleaning it a box where I usually put my letters and gifts accidentally fell. It was scattered everywhere and I had no choice but to pick it up and put it in its proper place. As soon as I returned the letters, I just sat down […]

Filled Under: Personal, Thoughts

حلم وجودي

هل أنا في حلم يكاد ينسيني الحقيقة؟ هل أنا في دنيا غير دنياي اللتي أحياها؟ أسئلة كثيرة… سعادة كبيرة ما حلمت بها في يوم من الأيام.. هل حقيقة أنا عرفتك و كلمتك و ضحكنا معاً؟ أكاد لا أصدق, و يكاد العالم كله لا يسع سعادتي و نشوتي.. فنظراتك بالنسبة لي فيض صلاة, و كلماتك تقديس […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Second Trust….

The time we share is special to me, a bringing back to love. Your laughter still warms my soul, your smile still echoes from my own. Yet I can not say your chance will come. Questions and doubts still remain. My hurt remembered far too strong. The tears still all too real. Fear beats strong […]

Filled Under: Thoughts