امرأة كالحلم

امرأة مثلي لا تضيع… لا تلتفت خلفها لتعدّ الخسارات، ولا تسأل الريح عن وجهتها. هي التي علّمت قلبها أن يكون وطنًا لنفسه، لا يبحث عن مأوى في أحد، ولا ينتظر يدًا تمتدّ لتنتشله من عتمة الحيرة. دائمًا ما كانت تملك خريطة سرية للنجاة، ممهورةً بأختام التجارب، مرسومةً على وجع لم يفهمه أحد، لكنها تحفظها عن […]

I’m trying to find myself again

It’s been so long since I dropped something here. See, a bunch of things in my life had shifted all at the same time. Friends moved away, kids, a move, new groups, new people—and it seemed like the important thing was to find ways to be accepted in those new places. To be part of […]

Filled Under: Personal, Tags, Thoughts

Awkward Situations — Vol 2: On a Plane

So I travel to LA a lot, about every 3 months or so, I always brace for the impact of encountering airline passengers; when people are treated like cattle, they can hardly be blamed for reacting like baboons.  Here, rules of engagement for the most ruthless form of travel. Pre-flight Awkward Situation: Despite the airline calling […]

Ten Random Things about Maioush, oh god, not again :D

 Princess N tagged me (thanks sweetie, I’m late i know) :) , as well as Wonders (my apologies sweets, i lost track :( ) The rules are: 1. Post 10 random things about yourself, 2. Choose 5 people to tag and a reason you chose each person 3. Leave them each a comment directing them […]

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What every girl should NOT do before 18

 Ok, so everybody knows that I’m not the best when it comes to follow rules :) , since I got tagged by Batoul, Wonders, and Oriental Arabesque, I decided to answer it … my way ;) What you should NOT really do 1.Don’t get married: The worst thing to do is to get married before […]

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When Maioush returns to Amman…. answering Qwaider’s Tag

Yalla, lets play what if tag as Qwaider said… I’ve been asked to answer what will happen to my blog if I return to Amman.Tag rules: State 5 things. at least. And tag 3 people … simple No?? Yalla… what will happen to Maioush if I go to Amman: The blog will have less posts (no […]

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39 Q Tag, ok that was fun :)

I’ve been tagged by Oriental Arabesque, thanks dear :) 1. What is your middle name? M 2. What color pants are you wearing? Gray 3. What are you listening to now? Alb o ra7 by Sherine 4. What was the last thing you had to drink? Huge cup of coffee 5. Do you wish on […]

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خمس روايح عاجباني

مع إني مأساة في طباعة العربي بس هاد التاغ مما بزبط إلّى هيك براء اختارتني مشان أجاوب هاد التاغ , يسلموا يا قمر    بحب روايح كتير شغلات لو أعدها كلها ما بنخلص    ١. بحب ريحة القهوة (و هي عم تتحمص, و هي عم تنطحن, و هي عم تنعمل) يعني بكل حالاتها و ما […]

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I’ve Been Tagged… My Answer For The 10 Simple Pleasures Tag…

  I’ve been tagged long time ago by Jasim and Qabbani.. I’m sorry guys I couldn’t do it earlier :) …I wrote a month ago about the things that makes me naturally high, so allow me to steal from it ;) I didn’t know that it will become a tag one day :D There are […]

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Real Moms… Raise, Care, & Love

 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JUVSTImsK4] I’ve been tagged by 7aki Fadi one wonderful tag.. I can’t be more proud to answer it, it’s about the person I love the most in my life… my mom…I got this tag in the time I miss my mom the most, I really miss her these days, I really need to see her, talk […]

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