A parents’s prayer

I pray that I may let my child live her own life, and not the one I wish I had lived. therefore, guard me against burdening her with doing what I failed to do. help me to see her missteps today in perspective against the long road she must go, and grant me the grace […]

How to find yourself in your busy day

When you become a mother, you gain another part of your soul, but you can also lose a part of yourself as an individual. Because I have unconditional love for my daughter, I often put her before myself, sometimes even before my basic needs. Does this sound familiar to any of you? I often get so busy […]

Filled Under: Personal, Thoughts

Brainless Alert

BRAINLESS ALERT: A friend of mine had to have the garage door repaired. The repairman told them that one of their problems was that they did not have a “large” enough motor on the opener. she thought for a minute, and said that they had the largest one made at that time–a 1/2 horsepower. He […]

Filled Under: Fun, General, Thoughts