My computer is acting very strangely, very strangely indeed. I know there is probably a simple technical explanation for what I am about to tell you, but I have no idea what it might be. Needless to say, if anyone reading this does have an idea, please tell me. Last night, before I went to […]

Filled Under: Personal

Guess what???I’m a Gemini!!!

I did this zodiac quiz the other day and it gave me a Gemini personality, like so: Discover your Zodiac Personality @ Quiz Me   Now, this is quite interesting because I’m actually a Gemini (very much so) with Taurus rising and a large clump of planets in Libra. For those to whom it makes […]

Filled Under: General

NOOOO! Not the F Word Again!!!

Yesterday, my little brother lost a tooth at school. When it was time for bed he realised he’d forgotten to bring it home, so had to write a note to the Tooth Fairy. In the note, he said he would leave the tooth the following night and could he please have his money. Today, he […]

Filled Under: Personal


A couple of days ago I bought this lipstick that’s supposed to plump up the lips to 40% of their normal size, one of my friends bought it convinced me to buy it. It’s got collagen or something in it. I really hate these kind of things, as mine are fine and I don’t need […]

Filled Under: Personal


Yesterday was one of my best friend’s birthday, although it’s still today to me as I haven’t been to bed yet. Will be going very soon though, as I’m knackered and falling asleep. Hopefully my eBay items will arrive tomorrow (today), although knowing my luck they’ll arrive on Thursday (tomorrow). I actually did better out […]

Filled Under: Personal

Weird sleeping pattern or stuck in time?

My sleep pattern seems to be totally mucked-up now. Last night I went upstairs at 8.30, intending to have a nap. I set the alarm for 10.30 and woke about 10.40, but went back to sleep again. Next thing I knew, it was 6.45 am, so I’d almost slept the clock round. I got up […]

Filled Under: Personal


يعني اسم الأغنية بحكي كل شي ههه  مافي شب سمعها إلاّ و انصرع عليها, و كلّو كوم و التحشيش على جملة “أنا شخصياً نسونجي” كوم لا و الأحلى حتى الصبايا مبسيوطين عليها بحكولي “والله اللي ما يحب النسوان الله يبعتلو علّة”   هلأ مشان الذمة والضمير نحنا بننحب ليش الحكي واللي ما بحبنا, الله يبعتلو […]

Filled Under: Music

If I Could Teach Your Heart To Sing…

 If I could teach your heart to sing.. The world would hear our music, and echo back the joyous strains of our sweet verse.   If I could teach your spirit to fly.. we would soar above the clouds, floating along on an magical wave of celebration.   But until you open yourself to life […]

Filled Under: Peoms