“At the Beginning”

By Richard Marx & Donna Lewis from the movie “ANASTASIA” This sound track is one of my favorite movies sound tracks beside the lion king, and beauty and the beast sound tracks :)  I know I’ve been posting a lot of music and videos lately, but I really feel like music these days…. Enjoy my […]

Filled Under: Music

What a guy wants.. what a guy needs!

A guy works 5o miles away from his house, decided to buy a car, he looks around to see what’s the best option for him to buy, he settles down for corolla since it’s affordable, known as the most fuel efficient car, and will last for a long time, so basically that’s what he needs. […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Some New Songs…

As everybody know by now how crazy I am about music I would like to share some new songs I don’t think that all of you know it.. if you would like the songs in MP3 format I can provide you with the links to download , enjoy ;) Rami Sabry – 7abeebi El Awalani […]

Filled Under: Music


“Every man loves two women; one is the creation of his imagination, and the other is not yet born.”  Khalil Gibran

Filled Under: Thoughts

I’ve been told this story by a friend and I felt like sharing it with you guys… LOOOOOOOOL it’s so funny :D    في طالب في الجامعة كان عنده مادة من المواد اللي بيدرسها مختصة بعالم الطيور ..ولما قرب امتحان المادة آخر السنة .. الطالب راجع وراجع لغاية ما طلعت عينيه. المهم.. دخل الامتحان وهوه […]

Filled Under: General

Rawan & Ameen… Congratulations :)

A wonderful wedding, every thing was so organized, the bride looked so cute, the ceremony was wonderful.. I wish them both the best :) [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=82rMJoyM-vI] And the surprise was Shady Jameel .. I was able to take a video for a while, but I had to go enjoy the rest of the wedding… ;) [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=1fOW2Q37OtU] […]

Filled Under: General

It’s all YOUR fault!!!!…

It’s weird how people can easily blame others for their mistakes!!! To come right to your face and tell you that what happened to them was YOUR fault!!! I mean how can be blamed for something you don’t even know about? A friend of mine, knew this guys years ago, and things didn’t work out […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Protected: What I Won’t Ever Be Able To Say

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

Filled Under: Personal
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I don’t think I’m the best one to discuss this matter, since I haven’t experienced it yet, but after seeing some “Angry” people, and others “lost” , I decided to go ahead and write about it and god help me to do this right. The issues that bloggers had been talking about lately really got me […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

صابر الرباعي… عالطاير

I’ve been a way for a long time now, more than a week, and I promised myself, when I write something it will be special, well guess what? I’m back with a new song for my best singer after Fadel Shaker…3a-Tayer: is a new song for SaberAL-Roba3i This is my favorite song in his new […]

Filled Under: Music