Keep your dreams alive

The newest of beings needs to see. the vivid colors of the world, the tops of each floating cloud, the bottom of the wondrous seas and the vastness and depths of space. Each child needs to dream of being the hero that saves of becoming the doctor that cures of winning the impossible race of […]

Filled Under: Peoms

Just Because

Just because you search, doesn’t mean you’re lost. Just because you question, doesn’t mean you doubt. Just because you rethink a situation, doesn’t mean it didn’t work. Just because you are quiet, doesn’t mean you’re unhappy. Just because there are clouds, doesn’t mean the sun isn’t there. Just because there’s rain, doesn’t mean a rainbow […]

Filled Under: Peoms


Faith comes in many guises and dances with our mind. Faith in people, faith in love, faith in what tomorrow will find. But as strong as Faith professes to be it is a tentative thread. Easily damaged and easily broken frequently muddled in our heads. To me a most precious gift I cherish above all […]

Filled Under: Peoms

My first post…

sice every body was giving me a hard time for having my space on msn spaces i decided to have one on wordpress… I’m still working on it and trying to figure out how to do stuff in here… i hope you will like it

Filled Under: Personal