أهلا و سهلا شرفونا حبابنا :)



I’m so happy :D this is amazing, my friends Nido is here, in fact she is setting in front of me while writing this :D


It has been an amazing day, although it’s raining today, and we didn’t have the chance to go anywhere, but it’s been amazing :D I mean AAAAAMAZING.

We are having so much fun, well. I am for sure, I hope Nido is ;) LOL!

We had a great lunch, Dawali, Koosa, Betenjan, chicken with mushroom, and Tabouleh :)

El 7amdolla she loved it (wella are you just saying that ya benet? :D )


And we had Warbat for desert, basilcally it has been the non stop eating day for us, well it’s raining outside what else can we do?? LOL!

It’s amazing 3an jad, I’m so happy that she is here.. YAY!!! :D

21 Responses to “أهلا و سهلا شرفونا حبابنا :)”

  1. nido Says:
  2. Summer Says:
  3. mr.anonymous Says:
  4. Oriental Arabesque Says:
  5. Diana Says:
  6. Qwaider قويدر Says:
  7. kinziblogs Says:
  8. jumana Says:
  9. Noura Says:
  10. Noura Says:
  11. Abed Hamdan Says:
  12. Isam Says:
  13. secratea Says:
  14. Nour Says:
  15. Batoul Says:
  16. 7aki Fadi Says:
  17. Qwaider قويدر Says:
  18. Hani Obaid Says:
  19. sam Says:
  20. jumana Says:
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