SORRY… I’m BAD! :(

::YaAaAaAaAaWN:: it’s not even 8:00am (well, it will be by the time I BuBlish this Bost, it’s too early for me, allah wakeelkom mesh tay2a!

Any way, I was feeling like ranting, but then I changed my mind :) (Pretty schizophrenic I know!!), you guys I wanna tell you something, I noticed that I’m becoming a very mean, rude, ignorant, bel 3arabi… bad person!! :( I hate that, I know what the reason is and I’m gonna tell you about it bs tawlo balkom shwai…

As I always say, I’m a calm person by nature, I don’t yell, and I hate yelling, pretty patience, and I can call my self an understanding person,  but due to stress I became really impatience, I get irritated easily, it’s so not like me, I mean seriously, I hate it, and I’m mad at myself and at people due to that fact, it’s like I’m mad at myself cuz I’m getting mad easily now… HUH!! Say that again, that doesn’t even make any sense!! Bs hada elli ejakom! :(

Now, why am I stressed out?? Hmm, very good question, well, sara7a ya3ni, o mn el a5er… tomorrow is my lat day at work, and Monday I’m starting another one, I’ve been looking for the past 3 weeks, things has been unstable where I’m at, I started as a contract, and “as they said” things will be clear by the time your contract comes to an end, well… I’m don’t’ feel like going into details, but they are not getting me the deal I was looking for, so I decided to leave and look for a better place, I’m pissed off shwai, and I hate that fact that I have to start all over again training and batee5, ya jama3a I just started this job 6 months ago, 6 months was enough time for them to finish the paper work, but guess what, when the people who are suppose to handle these things are dysfunctional, that’s what you get!!

::talking to myself:: 5alas Mai enough, inshalla things will be better (and stable) in the other place, stop being such a baby!!

Tayeb, I wanna say SORRY and 3an jd SORRY to every and single one I’ve been 7aywaneh with for the past 2 or 3 weeks, I’m truly sorry, I promise I’ll be back to normal as soon as possible. :)

Da3atkom! :)

See, I told you it will be late by the time I’m done, it’s 8:40 now (in my defense, I was working on the side :) )

5 Responses to “SORRY… I’m BAD! :(”

  1. nido Says:
  2. chikapappi Says:
  3. sam Says:
  4. Princess N Says:
  5. Luma Says:

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