Why Do I Love You?

Why do I love you?

What tender thread bound my heart to yours?

You with your shields that bend so far without

breaking their hold on your love.

Why do I love you?

With all the pain that any relationship can bring?

With all the misunderstandings that can exit between

two people who are both scared and unsure.

Why do I love you?

Do you understand the true extent of the word?

It can mean so much or too little depending on the

ease with which a person speaks it.

Why do I love you?

Will I always be one step ahead of you?

Looking over my shoulder to see when and if

your spirit catches flight and joins mine.

Why do I love you?

Because of your spirit.

Because of your soul.

Because of who you are and what you will be.

Because of who I am when I’m with you.

Because of what we bring to each other.

Because….I just do.

And that may scare you as it sometimes does me….

But fears were made for conquering.

And this connection was made to last.

And given time and the star’s bright light…

I’ll prove this to you.

11 Responses to “Why Do I Love You?”

  1. Simply Me Says:
  2. Maioush Says:
  3. Maher Says:
  4. Maioush Says:
  5. Maher Says:
  6. Maioush Says:
  7. Batoul Says:
  8. Maioush Says:
  9. Some one Says:
  10. Abed Hamdan Says:
  11. Some one Says:

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