What A Man Really Wants…

Though primarily addressed to the women, most men who happen to feel drawn to read this post will find themselves doing so with a touch of curiosity. Of course, they think they already know what a man wants and are curious as to whether I am going to say something different or not. They think a man wants a good looking woman. Foremost, last and always. As a woman, we all know men are from a different planet, what a man is really looking for is something much deeper than that. He is wanting something to reassure him that he is an alright guy, that he is an okay person, that he is worth something.

In short, what a man really wants is validation.

He seeks this in many ways, a primary vehicle of which is his relationship with women. Something instinctive tells him that she can make him alright. Whether it be by how pretty a woman he can keep at his side, or by the scorecard of how many women he has vanquished in some romantic fashion, he sometimes goes through an entire lifetime attempting to feel good about himself through having relationships with women.

In the classic movie taken from the play Harvey, with Jimmy Stewart, there is a scene in which a very rigid psychiatrist, Dr. Willie Chumley, begins to let down his emotional defenses and reveal his true desires in life. He said if his fondest wish were to come true, it would be to just lie in his comfortable chair for hours and have some compassionate female simply rubbing his head, saying over and over, “Poor boy!”

The humor in the character is the fact that there is a little bit of Dr. Chumley in every man. Down deep he wants to be unconditionally loved just like a little boy by a perfect, loving mother.

Pride, of course, causes that vulnerability to be hidden as a man grows from childhood into manhood. First it is hidden from others and then at last it is hidden from himself, but it is still there waiting to be discovered.

Meanwhile, man begins to seek some sort of gratification as a substitute for this missing unconditional love from a source he can look up to, and he usually turns to those substitutes that never quite fill him up, emotionally speaking. There is always something lacking, or as the Rolling Stones have said and capitalized on, he “can’t get no satisfaction.”

But the fact remains, he is vulnerable, very vulnerable. And for that wise woman who understands this it provides an opening to secure the man of her choice like spearing fish in a barrel!

You see, most men going around trying to sport a good looking woman on their arm, or keeping lists of their female conquests, for one reason and one reason alone: It gives them a sense of validation and being worth something, and that is a feeling they desperately feel the need for.

The only problem is, this kind of validation is temporary and fleeting and, like a drug or alcohol, only leaves him feeling empty and in need of another fix as soon as a little time has gone by.

Man’s greatest vulnerability is not a physical need, but a psychological one. It is the need to be loved, but not just loved by anyone – to be loved by someone he senses is emotionally independent and strong. This kind of love is validating and worthwhile.

A man may think he needs a bimbo by his side to show off to the other guys, but in his heart he knows he’s perpetrating a fraud. She may help him make the other guys jealous, evoking a kind of prideful satisfaction in one way on his part, but in his heart he knows she’s not what he really wants or needs. He’s compromised for this because he’s lacking the real thing he wants.

No, what a man really wants is a woman who loves him in spite of himself, but won’t put up with his bull.

16 Responses to “What A Man Really Wants…”

  1. Tamara Says:
  2. Isam Says:
  3. bakkouz Says:
  4. unknown Says:
  5. tiger Says:
  6. tiger Says:
  7. Asoom Says:
  8. Maher Says:
  9. Maioush Says:
  10. Hani Obaid Says:
  11. Oriental Arabesque Says:
  12. sel3 Says:
  13. Jumana Says:
  14. Nadhirah Says:
  15. Nadhirah Says:
  16. RomeoThePrince Says:

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