We need your prayers… alot of prayers

I wanted to post this for a while but I hesitated since my mom will read this and I didn’t want her to know this way. But now she knows.

My grandmother has cancer… bone cancer, so far its spread in her right shoulder, pelvic (hip), rips, back, and skull, these parts are broken, it’s advanced already.


Currently she is under a lot of pain killers, because bone cancer is the most painful cancer among all cancers, the bones starts to break one by one in tiny  small pieces, which is extremely painful, my grandfather (who happened to be her husband) died from it.

I feel so sad, nonstop crying since yesterday, I know I should be stronger than this, its god’s well, and I understand that (La Elaha Ella Allah Wa La 7awla Wala Qowata Ella Bellah), but I still feel very bad, being away from all the people you love in such a situation is extremely hard, I feel that I’m totally alone, I want to hold someone and cry, jus cry, maybe the pain inside me will go away, I wish I can see her, but instead I canceled my trip to Jordan, because thigs got so complicated.


All I need is your prayers for her, a lot of prayers, so she can take the pain, that’s all what we can do at this point, she really needs that, prayers.


 Thank you Qwaider…

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

المعز الكريم..الشافى العافى المعين..
اللهم إنا نسألك بعزك الذى لا يرام و نور وجهك الذى لا يضام..
اللهم انا نعلم انه لا شافى الا انت و لا نافع بحق الا انت و لا مدبر لشىء فى هذا الكون الا انت..
اللهم انا نسألك باسمك الطيب ..يا ودود..يا ودود ..يا ذا العرش المجيد ..يا فعال لما تريد..
ان تشفها شفاء لا يغادر سقما وان ترحمها و تهون عليها و تعينها و تعين اهلها و كل احبائها..
اللهم انها امتك ،بنت عبدك، بنت امتك..ناصيتها بيدك راضية بقضائك..ماض فيها حكمك.. فلا رحيم الا انت و لا مغيث الا انت..

يا مغيث اغثها..يا مغيث اغثها ..يا مغيث اغثها..
و الحمد لله على كل حال و الصلاة على نبيك المصطفى و السلام..

قولوا آآمين

24 Responses to “We need your prayers… alot of prayers”

  1. yaser Says:
  2. nido Says:
  3. hamede Says:
  4. summer Says:
  5. Qabbani Says:
  6. Qwaider قويدر Says:
  7. Maioush Says:
  8. Damdoom Says:
  9. kinziblogs Says:
  10. Red Rose Says:
  11. Abed Hamdan Says:
  12. im fadaouz Says:
  13. afaf Says:
  14. Jano Says:
  15. Maioush Says:
  16. Manal Says:
  17. aya Says:
  18. abu_shakuush Says:
  19. 7ala Says:
  20. Maioush Says:
  21. MY GRANDMOTHER'S NEWS... « Maioush Says:
  22. MY GRANDMOTHER'S NEWS... « Maioush Says:
  23. abdellatif m.annaser Says:
  24. alaa Says:

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