To love or to be loved…

Are you scared of giving? Or are you willing to give love? And if you are the second kind, do you love someone to make that person happy or to make yourself happy? Do you prefer to love or do you prefer to be loved? Is love selfish after all? Or are we doing it for the fear of rejection? Hhmmm.. Why am I asking all these weird questions???

When you love someone you are actually satisfying yourself first, you are making yourself happy by giving that person your love, care, and attention, and at the same time the other person is happy by allowing you to love him/her. (What a weird statement I came up with)!!!

Now, what about the people who prefer to be loved? Are they willing to give that love, care and attention as well? Or do they like to be the center of attention all the time? Are they really happy with all the love the person is giving?

Sometimes the way someone shows love is not what makes their partner feel loved. For example, one person may show love by looking after their partner’s practical needs, when what the partner longs for is a hug and tender words. So you can be the best person you can be and still not enough.

Are giving all the love we have to the one we love because we are afraid of rejection? But rejection is painless, unless you make it hurt. (oh my god another weird statement) What if you stopped giving the same way you do at some point for whatever reason? Are you going to lose that person? So this is a matter of security as well?  ….

Wait a minute… am I over analyzing things here? AAAHHHH I don’t know where is this going… What am I talking about? Where was I in the first place? Ah, to love or to be loved…

Let me try this… Why can’t it be both? What’s wrong with the fact that you can actually love and be loved at the same time?? That’s it… That’s what I’m looking for… To Love AND To Be Loved

You can’t give so much love to someone unless that someone loves you back, that’s what relationships are about, to love and to be loved back, the feeling is so fulfilling, it is satisfying.
To love and be loved is magical, real, and it is one of the happiest feelings in the world.

You can’t separate it, you can’t take each one individual and think about it like that, you can’t choose.

you have to love AND be loved not OR…

10 Responses to “To love or to be loved…”

  1. nido Says:
  2. ola Says:
  3. Abed Hamdan Says:
  4. Red Rose Says:
  5. Maioush Says:
  6. Qabbani Says:
  7. Abed Hamdan Says:
  8. Maioush Says:
  9. Dima Says:
  10. Jano Says:

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