The slowest 9 hours every week!

Since I started this job, they told me I have to work Sundays, I take Friday off instead, and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, the day goes by SUPER SLOW, nobody is here except me and couple of guys from the lab.

I have to admit, I’m one of those who’d rather have a very busy day at work more that a slow day, because simply, the day goes by waaaaaaay faster, but this is like dying slowly, last Sunday I was about to sleep while setting, beside the fact that I annoyed the heck of Husbany by calling him ever 30 min complaining how bored I was, 7abeebi he is sooooooooo taweel bal.

back to my slow day. ::Sleepy::

9 Responses to “The slowest 9 hours every week!”

  1. nido Says:
  2. Qwaider قويدر Says:
  3. Batoul Says:
  4. Maioush Says:
  5. KJ Says:
  6. Maioush Says:
  7. secratea Says:
  8. Jano Says:
  9. Rola Says:

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