
I haven’t posted anything in ages, it seems to be getting worse as I get older. I seem to be posting less and less, and I do apologize but I cannot help it. It’s not the fact that work has been crazy everyday for the past three weeks, or that I’m afraid of my boss reading my blog because he can see it on my facebook profile, or the fact that most of my opinions might get me fired, hehehehe but that I’ve just seemed to lose my inner voice.

My inner voice has plagued me since I was a child, always thinking and never shutting the hell up. I used to do anything I could to drown it out like reading books, watching television, you know, mindless stuff that kids do nowadays to destroy their mental well-being. Yeah. Now it seems, I have succeeded. Well, sort of. I still think about the same things that I rant about over and over again.

There seems to be an underlying trend though, people just following something so blindly and being told that it is wrong without considering the other side of the fence. For example, deforestation and development. I can understand a person’s fury if a forest were cleared for a golf course however, I cannot understand a person’s fury if it’s for a new housing estate or industry. Obviously the land is needed for the benefit of human lives, would we deny third world countries the same sort of development that we have already done? It’s really easy for someone to say this when they’ve had clean running water, a solid roof over their heads and a walmart for all their needs. Curse those people in huts and shanty towns, how dare they destroy our planet. Why don’t they recycle? Those idiots!

Why don’t people think about these things, it’s not that hard, really. I mean, all you have to do is consider a topic beyond what any medium has told you. I blame the intarweb and mobile phone entertainment. Obviously human ignorance has been happening since the beginning of history but you’d think with the… increased(?) free flow of information that, that would have been abolished. Nope, now it’s worse because we don’t have an excuse. It’s worse now because children would have been exposed to more information than their grandparents and not have enough time to digest that information.

As a person who is guilty of trying to destroy her mind in her younger days, I can understand it. Keep your mind busy, don’t think. Play a mobile game, listen to some music, watch a movie, watch television, go play a sport, go sleep, etc. We all hate to be bored, but sometimes it’s necessary. It is when we are bored that we ponder the great questions of life. My theory is that instead of the toilet being the throne of contemplation, the toilet is just a place where we are shut out from any external information and are thus able to ponder and think. Unless of course, we have a mobile phone.

Now with the dawn of mobile entertainment and the cursed mp3 player, everybody may be entertained at all times of the day and never have to think. We have become the zombies that our predecessors have warned us about. Just steps away from Orwell’s 1984 but then again, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe we were all zombies in the first place, it’s just that now we’re entertained zombies. Huh, how about that?

(Hey, managed to rant quite a bit about not being able to rant. Yeah!)


7 Responses to “Sorry…Sorry…Sorry”

  1. Media Districts Entertainment Blog » Sorry…Sorry…Sorry Says:
  2. Golf » Sorry…Sorry…Sorry Says:
  3. sharifo Says:
  4. tiger Says:
  5. Maioush Says:
  6. pm dawn Says:
  7. music and child development Says:

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