I’ve been away for a very long time; I have so many things to share!

I have so many news to share, I’ve been updating my facebook and twitter, so most of you knows most of this already, but for the rest of you, I miss updating my blog.



First of all Ramadan Kareem for everyone, although it’s late, wish you all a happy  Ramadan :)


Second of all, I want to share with all of you that we are having a baby girl :) Mira Qwaider will be joining us in few months ::very excited:: , I haven’t started with my baby registry yet, as I have no idea where to start, what do babies need? What’s more important than what? ::sigh::


Me and Husbandy spent the first few days of Ramadan in California, Samer spent the weekend, and I stayed till the end of the week enjoying mama’s amazing food, she spoiled me way too much, all the food I was craving through my first trimester was there waiting for me, Allah ysallem edeeki ya mama o ma ye7remni mennek yaaaaaa raaaaaab!! :)

Baba just finished his fourth round of chemo therapy, he had no hair left, he looks different, but as he was saying, this will easily grow back, we are praying that this round will be his last before the transplant, pray for him everyone.


The twins grew up mashalla in an amazing way, they found it easy to say my name, they were running around the house calling my name, mashallah they look so cute :)

This is all the news I have, I made it all as short as possible, as they say, ma qall o dall.

10 Responses to “I’ve been away for a very long time; I have so many things to share!”

  1. whisper Says:
  2. Jumana :) Says:
  3. eNAS Says:
  4. sozan Says:
  5. kinzi Says:
  6. afaf Says:
  7. Hala Says:
  8. Om El MEeeEs Says:
  9. JUMANA :) Says:
  10. sam Says:

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