One more thing

What is it with people who don’t talk to you awhile and just ask you for some advice out of the blue. Obviously I’m more than willing to help a fellow human being, cough, but pissed if I would help a human being who only speaks to me for the sole purpose of extracting some knowledge […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Damaged goods

I’m sorta dedicating this post to a good friend of mine who has officially joined the circle of damaged goods. Most of my friends seem to be damaged goods now, I don’t know whether it’s because we’ve just been alive long enough to experience a higher probability of being damaged or whether the damaged just […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Love… Slow poison!

It’s ridiculous to say that being in love with someone doesn’t inevitably change you in any way. I don’t mean that when someone loves you they poison you, just that they probably kill some bad parts of the old you, which is probably a really good thing anyway. I can’t say for a fact that I’m completely […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Random rambling

If my being is the sum total of my experiences, what happens if I can’t remember most of them? Would that mean that I cease to exist as a person, or would the perceived existence of my body equate to my existence? I’m probably digging a hole here, since this area isn’t really my strong […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


Being of average intelligence means that every 2nd person you meet is more stupid than you are. Being above average intelligence, say about… 75% means that about every 4 people you meet, 3 people will be more stupid than you are. Considering that one is in the top 25th percentile, let us assume that there […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Judge me on what’s inside my head.

I know it isn’t that big a deal if I post my picture or not but I feel that it is. I mean, you could probably find my picture somewhere on the internet already. No wait, you can. I think the whole matter now is finding a decent picture of myself that I’m willing to […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

The first pregnant man!! Full Videos included..

Well, where do I start?? I read at Dino$ about this and I felt like “I have to watch this”. After I watch it, it didn’t turn out that surprising as “Thomas” used to be “Tracy” so practically, he/she is a woman, his/her organs are a woman’s organs from the inside, so there is no […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Please stop yelling…

I really need to talk about this, I feel like there is a huge bubble in my chest, does that sound weird? It’s not the emptiness feeling no, and it’s not like I fell a huge rock setting on my chest Kaman no.. I feel like there is a huge amount of air a huge […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

“Men are simple,but they’re not stupid” Part 2

Friendayeh wrote, As we talked in  Part 1 how men are really simple to deal with, but they are diffenetly now stupid, I’ll go int his part about chemistry and blaming men. Psychologically, all our old words and body language together are our “defense system.” They’re there to defend us against threats and pain – […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

The Art Of Listening

 I was talking to one of my friends, she’s been married for almost 2 years now, she was complaining on how things are not going “so great” between the two, after listening to her for more than an hour, she felt much better that she actually was able to “talk” to someone about it, which made me […]

Filled Under: Thoughts