Blank title for this post…

It’s been ages since I wrote in this blog, I had so much to share but I just didn’t want to write anything after my last post, I just open it and stare at my post about praying for my father (Allah yer7amo) and kinda live the dream of him being alive for few moments, […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Asking for your prayers for my father again, it’s a tough time for him :(

After 2 serious surgeries, my dad is in a lot of pain, they stopped his treatment for cancer at this point, and all what he taking are extremely strong pain killers to help him with the pain. This morning, he was put on breathing assistance devices. I’m stuck here and can’t travel at this point of […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

The Myth of the Evil Stepmother

A friend of mine who just started reading my blog wanted to share her story on my blog, she shared on her facebook and emailed me asking if I can post it on my blog for her, I loved it and wanted to share it with the rest of you as I know that our […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Mirrored Glasses

I have a job where I work with people. I work hard at what I do and I think that I have been successful. Because I am around so many people over the course of my day, I get a fair sampling of how people interact with other people. It never ceases to amaze me […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Dear Mira

We have 38 days to go for you inside my tummy, as much as I’m extremely excited to meet you,  and hold your tiny body between my arms, I’m also worried that I will miss the feeling of you kicking inside me, you can be tiring at times, but I still enjoy every second of […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Kinzi’s gift that brought tears to my eyes

I got it a while back, I was supposed to tell everybody about it, but I got so emotional the only thing I thought about at that time was to send Kinzi an email and thank her personally, I was crying my eyes out, even Samer got a little emotional when he read it, an amazing story, […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Summer… A great chef, an awesome person, and an amazing friend

Not only she amazes us with her great recipies, but I also ask her advice with a lot of things regarding my family and baby, she is the most experienced one in the blogsphere, she has one of the kindest hearts I’ve ever dealt with :) she tells what you need to know because she […]

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Whisper’s nice surprise :)

 I came back from work to find this red nice box waiting for me at the door; I opened the card to see a very sweet message from the sweet Whisper :) I can’t tell you how glad I am to be surrounded with the sweetest people on earth :) it’s an amazing feeling wallahi […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

No No he is not an Arab, he is a good guy!!!

Filled Under: Thoughts

How Attractive Are You? iPhone App Can Rate Your Beauty

This has to be one of the worst iPhone apps I have ever seen.  Booooooooooooooo to the developer.  You stink!  We women are too smart to fall for this.  Seriously. stupid stupid app!!!

Filled Under: Thoughts