Happy Father’s Day Baba

  Hi Baba! It’s father’s day weekend. And this is always a hard occasion for me, but so most of the holidays without you; can you believe it’s been three years? Three incredibly fast years? Three incredible growing years? Three incredible lonely years? Father’s Day has made me grumpy. A little sad, too. I get […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Second Chance

  Every person has a dark side. What defines a person with good character is not a spotless life of constant kindness, smiles and even temperament. But rather, it’s the yearning to learn from your mistakes, applying it, making amends for them and choosing not to repeat them that defines good character. These are the […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

A parents’s prayer

I pray that I may let my child live her own life, and not the one I wish I had lived. therefore, guard me against burdening her with doing what I failed to do. help me to see her missteps today in perspective against the long road she must go, and grant me the grace […]

How to find yourself in your busy day

When you become a mother, you gain another part of your soul, but you can also lose a part of yourself as an individual. Because I have unconditional love for my daughter, I often put her before myself, sometimes even before my basic needs. Does this sound familiar to any of you? I often get so busy […]

Filled Under: Personal, Thoughts

Brainless Alert

BRAINLESS ALERT: A friend of mine had to have the garage door repaired. The repairman told them that one of their problems was that they did not have a “large” enough motor on the opener. she thought for a minute, and said that they had the largest one made at that time–a 1/2 horsepower. He […]

Filled Under: Fun, General, Thoughts

I Am Happiest When…

1. I’m happiest when I get full run of the kitchen to create masterpieces. I thoroughly enjoy making complete meals from scratch. A lot of the time our fridge looks as if it has been robbed, as we’ve got practically nothing in it, but no worries! What may look like nothing to everyone else is […]

#B4JO – Sands of home

I don’t really know where to start; I have so many unorganized thoughts in my head… The meaning of home changed so many times during the time I’ve been living here in the U.S, when I first came here 7 years ago, Jordan was the only place I want to be! I hated it here! […]

Filled Under: General, Thoughts

It has been so long!

So long indeed, I don’t even think that anybody still reads this blog. Why was I away all that time? Well, let’s just say I have my reasons! As I was watching Al-Jazeera this morning and for the first time, the screen was split into 6 smaller screens showing Tunisia on the first one, Egypt […]

Filled Under: General, Thoughts

On being a mother and spring in Seattle!

I don’t feel like cleaning the house, folding the laundry, or even cooking today. It’s been a long time since I actually wrote something in this place, yesterday as I was publishing the article I read; I looked at the previous posts and felt bad for not posting anything in months! I really should go […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

أيها المغتربون إستمتعوا حيث أنتم

I coudn’t agree more… , i just felt like sharing this article with all of you د. فيصل القاسم مهما طالت سنين الغربة بالمغتربين، فإنهم يظلون يعتقدون أن غربتهم عن أوطانهم مؤقتة، ولا بد من العودة إلى مرابع الصبا والشباب يوماً ما للاستمتاع بالحياة، وكأنما أعوام الغربة جملة اعتراضية لا محل لها من الإعراب. لاشك […]

Filled Under: Thoughts