8 Things I’ve Learned About Cooking Without Gluten, Dairy, and Sugar

3 months ago, if you had asked what my favorite foods were, I would have replied, bread, rice, bread, chocolate, bread … and did I mention bread and chocolate? I pitied my gluten-intolerant friends and rolled my eyes at the trendiness of “everything-free” diets. So of course it happened: I found myself struggling with health problems, […]

That Awkward Moment

In the spirit of social situations (how’s that for alliteration?), let’s address those awkward encounters that we find all too frequently — and what we can do about them. And by “we” I mean that these are true stories of my own, or friends who shall remain nameless.   Over Email Awkward Situation: You receive an […]

New Year’s Day 4 Years ago… Remembering Baba.

When my father passed away on New Year’s Day of 2010, while death had previously impacted my life, losing him was unlike any emotional pain I’d ever experienced. His death literally sucked the oxygen out of my body. It felt hard to breathe. It suddenly felt like a large chunk of who I was; my […]

Happy 4th Birthday Mira

My beautiful sweet blessing, deeply loved and treasured. I adore you…and love you to pieces!!!  Now, as your mama, there are some things I’d like to tell you…My child, my first born, but let me start with knowing the truth of who you are.  Like fine china, my darling daughter, you are made beautiful by […]

Filled Under: Personal, Thoughts

A parents’s prayer

I pray that I may let my child live her own life, and not the one I wish I had lived. therefore, guard me against burdening her with doing what I failed to do. help me to see her missteps today in perspective against the long road she must go, and grant me the grace […]

How to find yourself in your busy day

When you become a mother, you gain another part of your soul, but you can also lose a part of yourself as an individual. Because I have unconditional love for my daughter, I often put her before myself, sometimes even before my basic needs. Does this sound familiar to any of you? I often get so busy […]

Filled Under: Personal, Thoughts

I Am Happiest When…

1. I’m happiest when I get full run of the kitchen to create masterpieces. I thoroughly enjoy making complete meals from scratch. A lot of the time our fridge looks as if it has been robbed, as we’ve got practically nothing in it, but no worries! What may look like nothing to everyone else is […]

الله يلعن أبو الغربه

This song makes me cry when i listen to it now, I hate being away, why do people leave??? why do they manage to live away from the people they love and need? the people who would do anything to make sure we are happy, I miss my mom, my dad, my brothers, i just […]

Filled Under: Personal

استحلفكم بالله أن تدعو له بالشفاء و كشف السوء استحلفكم بالله أن كنتم تعلمون مسلماً مستجاب الدعاء أن يدعو له لا إله الا الله الحليم الكريم .. لا اله الا الله العلي العظيم لا إله الا الله رب السماوات السبع و رب العرش العظيم لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك .. […]

Filled Under: Personal

Surrounded by miserable geeks

And I have been for the past 5 years really, but this one is really different, these around me are the miserable type, they have no life away from their computers, I’ve been seeing the weirdest geeks ever, the type that don’t have any kind of communication skills, what so ever, they have no idea […]

Filled Under: Personal