Breaking News!!! Breaking News!!!

Today and YES Today…This is one remarkable day for me.. One UNFORGETTABLE day in my life :D

Today I was able to fit in my SKINNY JEANS!!!!!

YES YES YES… my skinny jeans, and girls you know what I mean by that.. it’s that JEANS that’s always setting in the closet to remind you how skinny you were once in your life, the one you keep to hate yourself everyday for gaining weight, and how it’s more like a dream to fit in it again!!!

And Today, I made it, i fit in it… I’ve been working really hard for it…

Guys… I know you have no idea what am I talking about,  but it’s ok :D … it’s just that you  don’t understand, or you don’t care …. But I’m happyyyyyyyyy :D


27 Responses to “Breaking News!!! Breaking News!!!”

  1. Tamara Says:
  2. Dima Says:
  3. The Observer Says:
  4. bara2 Says:
  5. Qabbani Says:
  6. Isam Says:
  7. Qwaider قويدر Says:
  8. Maioush Says:
  9. nido Says:
  10. kinziblogs Says:
  11. Husain Says:
  12. Maioush Says:
  13. 7aki Fadi Says:
  14. 7aki Fadi Says:
  15. Maioush Says:
  16. mala2e6 Says:
  17. kinziblogs Says:
  18. Red Rose Says:
  19. Manal Says:
  20. hamede Says:
  21. sam Says:
  22. Hala Says:
  23. 7usam Says:
  24. jeedo's: Maioush...Hang on there...I'm on my way!!! Says:
  25. jeedo's: Maioush...Hang on there...I'm on my way!!! Says:
  26. drama div@ Says:
  27. Maioush Says:

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