Behave at the gym… follow the etiquette!!!

In a perfect world everyone would use common sense and be naturally thoughtful of others 100% of the time but, unfortunately, we live in a real world… not a perfect one!Oh my.

That’s what I was saying to myself at the gym the other day as I was waiting…and waiting…and waiting for the chest press machine because someone decided to do a million sets and didn’t want to share ::Sigh::

Anytime you smush groups of sweaty people together in small spaces, there are bound to be some problems and, though there may not be rules posted around the gym for how to act, there are some unspoken rules that all of us should be familiar with, whether we’re veteran exercisers or we’re just starting out.

The Basics

While it’s perfectly acceptable to sweat, grunt and make mean faces while working out, there are a few behaviors that aren’t acceptable.

Based on other’s comments I hear in my gym every session, I feel it’s a good idea for gym users (new and old) to refresh their memories. Some of these points people may disagree with, but if you are aware of them, apply common sense and stay mindful of them then you’ll help to make your training environment a happier place to be.

1. Share.

If you’re doing multiple sets on a machine, it’s common courtesy to let others work in during your rest periods…this may not always be practical, but offer to share whenever you can.

2. Clean up After Yourself.

My biggest pet peeve is someone who walks away from a machine, leaving a slimy pool of sweat behind…Thanks! Always bring the invention called towel with you and wipe the machines down when you’re finished. People would rather not use their own towel to wipe off another person’s sweat

3. Leave no trace.

My next biggest pet peeve is the person who leaves six million pounds on the leg press machine and walks away. I don’t know…maybe I look stronger than I am. The point is, when you’re using a plate-loaded machine, be sure to put your  plates away when you’re finished.

4. Don’t hog.

Do not sit on equipment you are not using (especially if it’s busy), and PLEASE Do NOT hog equipment by spending unnecessary time chatting too long between or after sets (especially if you are using equipment that there is only one of). Many gyms have time limits on cardio machines during busy hours. There’s a reason for that, and you should obey it. And no, throwing your towel over the display doesn’t fool me!

5. Keep it down.

Most gym-goers I know have seen That Guy. The one pumping away on the treadmill while screaming into a cell phone. Unless it’s an emergency, save your chat-time for after your workouts.

6. Don’t drop the weights.
While a gym is not a church, do try to respect the peace and quiet of your fellow members. Don’t drop weights from a high elevation for no reason. You certainly don’t want the elderly gentlemen on the treadmill to slip and fall because he thinks Armageddon is here.

7. Let them finish.

Do not interrupt people mid-set by talking to them or asking a question. Wait until they have finished the set (this happens to me quite a lot)

8. Stay away.

Do not move too near people when they are lifting as it can be very distracting having someone walking right behind you when you are deadlifting

9. Ask before you use.

Do ask if people are finished with equipment once they have got up. Try not to assume they have, and defiantly Do not just move equipment that has just been left alone for a moment. Check to see if it’s finished with first (they may have just gone to get a drink of water or some more paper to wipe down equipment with)


Do not, if not needed, have your mobile phone on. It is very distracting having phones going off in a gym every 5 minutes then people talking really loudly above the music to be heard. If you’re not expecting an urgent call then leave it in your locker

11. Hygiene people HYGIENE.

Do ensure you maintain your personal hygiene. It’s not nice for others to smell your two weeks old training shirt that you’ve been sweating in every day

And finally … Be polite as much as possible!!!

As you can see, this is not rocket science but basic common sense and respect for others. At the end of the day, it’s very easy to pay our fee and take the gym for granted. We just need to remember that it is not only ourselves that train there.

Happy lifting folks! :)

10 Responses to “Behave at the gym… follow the etiquette!!!”

  1. Adel Says:
  2. nido Says:
  3. Sam Says:
  4. bara2 Says:
  5. bara2 Says:
  6. Jasim Says:
  7. bara2 Says:
  8. Maioush Says:
  9. Red Rose Says:
  10. sumana Says:

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