How are you feeling today?




I’m in to this drawing thing these days, I’m still learning how to draw, it’s an interesting way to express your feelings without a lot of talking (you know, sometimes, the less you talk, the better!!), I’m not a graphic designer, but I like these thin black lines, it’s simple for me to draw, and I guess it delivers the message, I used to suck in drawing classes (I still suck really), I’ve never been good at it, so bare with me until I find the right words to say…

Ok I just ruined the purpose of this picture with all the talking!!!

11 Responses to “How are you feeling today?”

  1. Qabbani Says:
  2. Angry Husband Says:
  3. globalorama Says:
  4. hamede Says:
  5. Sharm Says:
  6. Abed Hamdan Says:
  7. mohanned Says:
  8. Luai Says:
  9. maioush Says:
  10. Isam Says:
  11. miss sea lover Says:

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