The slowest 9 hours every week!

Since I started this job, they told me I have to work Sundays, I take Friday off instead, and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, the day goes by SUPER SLOW, nobody is here except me and couple of guys from the lab. I have to admit, I’m one of those who’d rather have a very busy day […]

Filled Under: Personal

On How to Adjust to Married Life!

Sometimes couples get so wrapped up planning the wedding; they forget about the actual marriage. Married life isn’t all cozy dinners and intimate times; it’s also a lot of compromise and communication. So how are we (and b we I mean newlyweds) Adjust to our new life? Compromise. The word sounds easy enough, but when […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


I never knew that fall exists!!! You know how they used to tell us that there are 4 seasons, I never saw more than summer and winter really, but I tell you guys, this is for real, after all these years I saw fall LOL! What’s makes it more amazing, it’s right by my door, […]

Filled Under: Personal