
 Ever missed someone all of a sudden so bad,  you wish there were there for one minute, just want minute? Just to look at them one last time, to look into their eyes one last time, to touch their face one last time, to be there for them for the last time. What would you […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


Filled Under: Comics

If Men Got Pregnant (Humor)

1. Maternity leave would last two years….with full pay. 2. There would be a cure for stretch marks. 3. Natural childbirth would become obsolete. 4. Morning sickness would rank as the nation’s #1 health problem. 5. All methods of birth control would be 100% effective. 6. Children would be kept in the hospital until toilet […]

Filled Under: Fun


 Ever ask yourself this question?  Pay attention to your response because your honest answer is critical.  This little question can be so pivotal in removing stress from your life and helping you to focus on your goals.  To ask “why am I doing this?” is such a simple exercise that you can do it anywhere […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

أنا و تشرين و أنت

أشعر بالحاجة إلى النطق بإسمك هذا اليوم، أشعر بالحاجة إلى أن أتعلق بحروفه كما يتعلق طفل بقطعة حلوى. منذ زمن طويل لم أكتب إسمك في أعلى الرسائل، لم أزرعه شمساً في رأس الورقة، لم أتدفأ به. و اليوم و تشرين يهاجمني و يحاصر نوافذي، أشعر بالحاجة إاى النطق به، بحاجةٍ إلى أن اوقد ناراً صغيرة، […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

Facts About Men (Humor)

1. Men like to barbecue. Men will cook if danger is involved. 2. Marrying a divorced man is ecologically responsible. In a world where there are more women than men, it pays to recycle. 3. Men are very confident people. My brother is so confident that when he watches sports on television, he thinks that if […]

Filled Under: Fun

Twice As Good or Four Times As Hard?

 One of my all time favorite quotes is this: “Whatever women must do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.” ~ Charlotte Whitton How true this statement has been in my lifetime. There is some interesting math involved here, though, depending on how […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

6 days and counting!!

 This the 6th day and I still feel the same, the pain refuses to leave my body for a minute, constant fever and headache, and I’m saying fever to the point of hallucinating!! Every single bone and muscle in my body hurts like hell. I don’t have flu, I know that, my throat doesn’t hurt, […]

Filled Under: Personal

I have a question..!!!

Why are men put in charge of ships in an ocean, satellites in outer space, and tanks in the desert, but they can’t seem to find the ketchup bottle in the refrigerator?

Filled Under: General

The truth is always exciting…

Today’s random quote: “The truth is always exciting. Speak it, then. Life is dull without it.” ~ Pearl S. Buck I’m honestly not in the mindset to write today, and for the life of me, I’m not coming up with anything to say about this one. Maybe it’s because I think it’s a bit backwards. Don’t […]

Filled Under: Thoughts