Happy Birthday 7abeebi…

 Ever since my life began, I realized that you are the man, I saw your wisdom, your courage too, and I learned I could rely on you. Your tolerant nature was really great; nevertheless, you’d not hesitate to let me know when I’d been bad it must have been hard, but that’s being a dad. […]

Filled Under: Personal

Fi Kteer Kalam!!

 Ok … for some reason, this the FIFTH time I’m trying to write this damn post, every time I get to half the page I delete it and start over… I’ve been facing this problem lately.. I mean, in real life, I don’t feel like talking any more (although I’m the most talkative person you […]

Filled Under: Personal

I love you… and I’ll be there…

As promised… the first movie for the twins, well, actually, the first 2 movies for the twins :) … mashalla 3aleahom they are angels…I just love them so much, some times I feel like 7aki :) with little 7aki… FA3ES!!! :D Enjoy the movies my friends.. o allah yet3amkom ya rab .. The birth movie… […]

Filled Under: Personal


I’ve been feeling that my brain is full of junk for a while now, I have so many things to say, but I don’t feel like it, I even feel too lazy to write a post, I almost write one every single day, and you know what I do when I’m done? I delete it […]

Filled Under: Personal