Do people change??

It’s weird how we change by time, and I mean by that everything, our taste, the way we dress, the way we eat, even the way we think, and in an expected way!It’s really wired how time change us, hear and say things we’ve never imagined saying or hearing, and yet accept it, is that […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

ضربني و بكى، سبأني و اشتكى

Some people are just too much, they should be nominated for an Oscar for it.. I have no idea how do they manage to be the victims every single time, I’m so fed up with them!! Whenever something happens and they happened to be part of it, they are ALWAYS the victims, poor them, everybody around […]

Filled Under: General


Part of the process of living this life is that healing that comes from learning to “forgive” those who have hurt us, and forgiving ourselves for the hurt and pain we cause. It’s important one realizes that forgiving isn’t forgetting, as this is a two fold process. First it is making that choice, note “to […]

Filled Under: Thoughts