Beyond Mathematics…

It’s written in the snow. Hidden in the stars. And wrapped in paper on Christmas Eve. It’s buried on a desert island. Scratched upon a tree. The way she cannot help but smile. The way you hate it when he leaves. It’s written in a teenage diary. Danced upon a floor. Sung from the very […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

My first post on WUB

Check it out :) I got an invitation to join WUB (World United Bloggers) to represent Jordan internationally :D I’m so excited for joining the team, I’m so proud to have such an honor, I mean ME? representing Jordan??? and guess what?? I saw an invitation on Qwaider’s blog too, which made me even feel more proud […]

Filled Under: General

Letter to Grown-Ups

Filled Under: Comics

How are you feeling today?

    I’m in to this drawing thing these days, I’m still learning how to draw, it’s an interesting way to express your feelings without a lot of talking (you know, sometimes, the less you talk, the better!!), I’m not a graphic designer, but I like these thin black lines, it’s simple for me to […]

Filled Under: Comics

“Wishing You Happiness”

Wishing for you warm breezes, Skies filled with sun, Rainbows after each storm, Laughter in your heart, Comfort in your sadness, Light to chase the darkness, Tears to ease your grief, Smiles to ease your pain, Truth in what you seek, Faith in those you trust, Shelter from the elements, Wings to lift you up, […]

Filled Under: Peoms

The book is written and you are the star…

Don’t say you are not important, it’s not true.. God has plan for you, the path maybe unclear right now, but one day you’ll see that all that came before was meant to be… God wrote the book that is your life, you need to know each day that you are living is written long […]

Filled Under: Thoughts

26 things you don’t need to know about me

1. I’m a cleaning freak. 2. My brother has straight hair, 3. I don’t. 4. I used to teach Belly Dancing in Amman. 5. The first record I ever owned was Amr Diab, Ya 3omrena 1994. 6. I am open-minded about sleeping pills. 7. I laugh out loud on public if I remember something funny, […]

Filled Under: Personal


Filled Under: Comics


There are some moments in your life that you know will be moments you remember forever.  And they’re not the cheesy high school graduation pictures, or the first time you see the love of your life.  They’re not moments like your wedding day, or spending Sunday afternoons with someone special.  They’re moments you don’t even […]

Filled Under: Thoughts


Why people in my age always try to find love?Why they keep thinking about it? And why everyone is obsessed of the idea of having someone to care about and bring loved? I mean what is that huge desire everybody to some kind of insanity and confusion thinking about relationships and love stories? It’s not […]

Filled Under: Thoughts